2014.07.06-10 - ICTON 2014



16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks


The scope of the Conference is concentrated on the applications of transparent and all-optical technologies in telecommunications, computing and novel applications, and includes:


Digital all-optical networks
Ultra-dense wavelength-division multiplexing
Ultra-fast optical time domain multiplexing
Next generation networking
Optical switching and routing (WAOR)
Optical packet networks and services
Optical memories and data storage
Optical transparency and network scalability
Network reliability and availability (RONEXT)
Wireless and optical networking (GOWN)
Radio-over-fibre transmission
Broadband metro and access networks
Broadband metro and access networks
Market in telecommunications (MARS)
Photonic band-gap structures (ESPC)
Photonic crystal fibres
Nonlinear and active PBG devices
Nanoscale and ultrafast photonics (NAON)
VCSELs and other novel light sources
Microresonators and photonic molecules (MPM)
Novel glasses
New transmission windows
Polarisation mode dispersion
Photonic component integration (PICAW)
Network planning and design tools
Non-conventional optical communications
Sub-wavelength photonic devices (SWP)
Communication in transportation systems (CTS)
Other relevant topics


Conference page



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