Deliverable is a term used in project management to describe a tangible or intangible object produced as a result of the project that is intended to be delivered to a customer (either internal or external). A deliverable could be a report, a document, a server upgrade or any other building block of an overall project. [1]
A deliverable differs from a project milestone in that a milestone is a measurement of progress toward an outcome whereas the deliverable is the result of the process. For a typical project, a milestone might be the completion of a product design while the deliverable might be the technical diagram of the product.
In COMBO-like research projects, deliverables can be classified as specification, hardware, software, or design documents. Below You can find COMBO deliverables for every workpackage (WP). If You would like to know more about deliverables, or have any ideas about collaboration in relevant fields, do not hesitate to contact us here.
Published Deliverables
September 2015 - Intermediate report on standardization and dissemination activities - D7.2
This document describes the dissemination and standardization activities performed by the COMBO project from its beginning (January 2013) until the end of second period (September 2015).
August 2015 - Detailed Description of COMBO Demonstration - D6.2
The purpose of this document is to detail the adopted modules and planned setups to demonstrate and assess selected architectural, technological and functional solutions along with the approaches being studied and proposed within the COMBO project.
June 2015 - Analysis of transport network architectures for structural convergence - D3.3
This ddocument addresses the Specific Objective SO1.4 to “develop FMC architectures” or, more specifically, develop converged network architecture options for fixed and mobile access and aggregation networks. This is necessary in order to cope with the high cost pressure and stagnating network operator revenues from the current network architecture as well as to deal with the steep increase in traffic demand. As a matter of fact, the transport architecture for future access and aggregation networks need to be much more streamlined and cost-efficient than current solutions; understanding the potential of structural convergence of fixed and mobile networks is vital for achieving this goal.
April 2015 - Analysis of horizontal targets for functional convergence - D3.2
This document focuses only on the functional aspects of FMC. It develops high-level functional solutions for FMC, independently from the actual organization and implementation of future 5G networks. Horizontal targets are shown to be essential intermediate goals for allowing true FMC in 5G networks. Concrete indications are provided regarding the available protocols and methods that could be used to implement the high-level solutions for FMC. Some procedures, protocol message exchange or flow charts are thus made available here, but they do not pretend to be exhaustive since this document is the first deliverable addressing COMBO solutions.
December 2013 - Monitoring parameters relation to QoS/QoE and KPIs - D4.1
This document deals with the Quality of Service and Performance Monitoring aspects of Fixed Mobile Converged network architecture. The performance monitoring task (T4.1) of the Traffic and Performance Management (WP4) work package surveyed existing QoS/PM tools and parameters. A summary of the survey that covers tools across multiple layers and functions in addition to Quality of Experience, is captured in chapter 2 of this document.
December 2013 - Requirements for converged fixed and mobile networks - D2.4
This document aims to identify the requirements and KPI for the COMBO project that is going to be considered during the development of several activities inside different work packages, such as, the FMC network scenarios design, performance monitoring evaluation, techno-eonomic assessment and laboratory/experimental research activities.
November 2013 - Assessment framework and evaluation of state-of-the-art architectures - D5.1
This document summarizes the activities of the first year for all tasks within the project Techno-Economic assessment working group (work-package 5), and is therefore an ‘intermediate’ report of ongoing work, with focus or preliminary activities for the techno-economic assessment of FMC proposals of COMBO in the next two years.
November 2013 - Traffic modelling in FMC network scenarios - D2.3
This document provides the basis of traffic scenarios and modelling for fixed and mobile convergent networks starting with the study of the state of the art and the current evolution trends of both networks form a non FMC point of view. It also includes an analysis of the future evolutions paths over time considering a 2020 time horizon in order to establish one roadmap for fixed and one roadmap for mobile networks.
October 2013 - Analysis of key functions, equipment and infrastructures of FMC networks - D3.1
This document prepares the overall work of the Fixed Mobile Convergent architectures work package (WP3) through a preliminary identification and analysis of network functions, equipment and infrastructures to be implemented in fixed/mobile convergence scenarios. Together with outputs from WP2 ‘Framework definition, Architecture and Evolution’, this document will serve as a basis for the definition and analysis of FMC network scenarios to be developed in this FMC architectures work package (WP3).
September 2013 - Framework reference for fixed and mobile convergence - D2.1
This document defines the general framework for fixed and mobile networks with common area descriptions as a basis for the development of future FMC network architecture and proposes FMC network use cases, identifying the today’s situation, the specific needs and the opportunities for functional and/or structural convergence. Also marketing aspects are considered.
August 2013 - Roadmaps for independent fixed and mobile network evolution - D2.2
This document provides the basis of fixed and mobile convergent networks starting with the study of the state of the art and the current trends of both networks without considering architectures for future FMC networks. This study is focused on the access and the aggregation networks allowing fixed and mobile networks to converge. It also includes an analysis of the future fixed and mobile evolution paths over time considering a 2020 time horizon on order to establish one roadmap for fixed and one roadmap for mobile networks.
June 2013 - Summary of planned experimental activities and gap analysis - D6.1
This document aims to compile the various partner contributions towards the Functional Development & Experimental Research Activities workpackage’s (WP6) Coordination Task (T6.1), which forms the basis of the subsequent Lab based Practical Work & Development (T6.2) and Operator Based Experimental (T6.3) tasks. It is used to align the task activities in such a manner that potential gaps and overlap can be identified and managed throughout the work package.
February 2013 - Project presentation, communication plan and dissemination plan - D7.1
The objective of this document is to set out the terms of the Communication and of the Use and Dissemination of the knowledge arising from the project. In order to give a cumulative overview of the project’s undertaken and planned activities, regular updates will be implemented, leading to a final plan giving a complete view of activities undertaken (exhaustive list of all the papers, contributions to standardization and public demonstrations published or performed within the lifetime of the COMBO project, meaning from January 1st, 2013 to December 31st, 2015) and describing the future route to full use and dissemination of the knowledge.
February 2013 - Project Website - D1.1
The project website is finalized and ready for use by the general public.
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