Invited Papers


Name of event/journal Author(s) Title URL to publisher
IEEE J-LT K. Grobe Access Networks based on Tunable Lasers (Invited) Link

S. Gosselin, A. Pizzinat,

X. Grall, D. Breuer,

E. Bogenfeld, A. Hamidian

J. Torrijos Gijón, N. Fonseca

Fixed and Mobile Convergence: Which Role for Optical Networks? Link
ECOC 2014 A. Pizzinat Things you should know about fronthaul Link
LTE World Summit 2013 A. Pizzinat C-RAN architecture and fronthaul challenges Link
Broadband World Forum 2013 A. Pizzinat Perspectives on mobile fronthaul Link
LTE World Summit 2014 P. Chanclou, A. Pizzinat Fronthaul challenges Link
Broadband World Forum 2014 A. Pizzinat What is the architecture of future connectivity Link
ONDM 2015 S. Pachnicke, M. Eiselt, K. Grobe J.-P. Elberns The Frontiers of Optical Access Networks Link
ICTON 2015

J. Montalvo, M. Arroyo,

J. Torrijos Gijon, F. J. Lorca,

I. Berberana

Fixed-Mobile Convergence and Virtualization in 5G optical transport networks Link
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)

S. Gosselin, A. Pizzinat,

X. Grall, D. Breuer,

E. Bogenfeld, S. Krauß, J. Torrijos Gijón,

A. Hamidian, N. Fonseca, B. Skubic

Fixed and Mobile Convergence: Which Role for Optical Networks? (journal version) Link
Journal of Lightwave technology (JLT)

A. Pizzinat, P. Chanclou, F. Saliou, T. Diallo

Things you should know about fronthaul (journal version) Link
Journal of Lightwave technology (JLT)

S. Pachnicke, J. Zhu, M. Lawin, M. H. Eiselt,

S. Mayne, B. Quemeneur, D. Sayles, H. Schwuchow, A. Wonfor, P. Marx,

M. Fellhofer, P. Neuber, M. Dietrich, M. J. Wale, R.V. Penty, I. H. White, J.-P. Elbers

Tunable WDM-PON System with Centralized Wavelength Control Link
ACP 2015

A. Pattavina

Next generation convergent access/aggregation networks Link
ICTON 2015

D. Breuer, E. Weis

Assessment of Future Backhaul and Fronthaul Networks for HetNet Architectures Link
HPSR 2015

P. Olaszi, D. Breuer, T. Cinkler, S. Gosselin,

A. Gravey, A. Hamidian, S. Höst, T. Mamouni,

S. Pachnicke, B. Skubic, J. Torrijos Gijón

Fixed-mobile Convergence: Architecture and Functionality n/a
PS 2015

D. Breuer, S. Krauß, E. Weis, S. Gosselin,

J. Torrijos Gijon

Fixed Mobile Converged Transport: COMBO Perspective n/a
Broadband World Forum 2015

P. Chanclou

Assessing the evolution of cloud RAN with the support of fibre Link
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology

F. Musumeci, C. Bellanzon, N. Carapellese,

M. Tornatore, A. Pattavina, S. Gosselin

Optimal BBU Placement for 5G C-RAN Deployment Over WDM Aggregation Networks Link

R. Vilalta, A. Mayoral, R. Casellas, R. Martinez, R. Muñoz

SDN/NFV Orchestration of Multi-Technology and Multi-Domain Networks in Cloud/Fog Architectures for 5G Services Link
Journal of Lightwave Technology

P. Ohlen, B. Skubic, A. Rostami,

M. Fiorani, P. Monti, Z. Ghebretensae,

J. Martensson, K. Wang, L. Wosinska

Data Plane and Control Architectures for 5G Transport Networks n/a
ICTON 2016

E. Weis, D. Breuer, S. Krauß

Assessment of Fixed Mobile Converged Backhaul and Fronthaul Networks n/a
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)

R. Martinez, A. Mayoral, R. Vilalta,

R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, S. Pachnicke,

T. Zsyrkowiec, A. Autenrieth

Integrated SDN/NFV Orchestration for the Dynamic Deployment of Mobile Virtual Backhaul Networks over a Multi-layer (Packet/Optical) Aggregation Infrastructure [Invited] Link



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