Journal Papers


Name of journal Author(s) Title URL to publisher
Journal of Lightwave technology (JLT) A.Buttaboni, M.De Andrade, M.Tornatore A Multi-Threaded Dynamic Bandwidth and Wavelength Allocation Scheme With Void Filling for Long Reach WDM/TDM PONs Link
IEEE J-LT K. Grobe Access Networks based on Tunable Lasers (Invited) Link
Journal on Selected Areas on Communications N.Carapellese, M.Tornatore, A.Pattavina Energy Efficient BaseBand Units (BBU) Placement in a Fixed/Mobile Converged WDM Aggregation Network Link
Journal of Advances in Computer Networks, september 2014, vol. 2, n° 3, pp. 163-168

M. R. Feknous, B. Le Guyader,

A. Gravey 

Revisiting Access and Aggregation Network Architecture Link
Photonics Journal, MDPI

P. Garfias, M. De Andrade,

M. Tornatore, A. Buttaboni,

S. Sallent, L. Gutiérrez

Energy-saving mechanism in WDM/TDM-PON based on upstream network traffic Link
Optical Switching and Networking Journal

M. De Andrade, A. Buttaboni,

M. Tornatore, P. Boffi,

P. Martelli, A. Pattavina

Optimization of Long-Reach TDM/WDM Passive Optical Networks Link
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)

L. Sadeghioon, A. Gravey,

B. Uscumlic, P. Gravey, M. Morvan

A Full Featured and Lightweight Control for Optical Packet Metro Networks Link
Advances in Computer Science : an International Journal

M. Feknous, B. Le Guyader,

P.V arga, A. Gravey,

S. Gosselin, J. Torrijos Gijon

Multi-Criteria Comparison Between Legacy and Next Generation Point of Presence Broadband Network Architectures Link
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)

S. Gosselin, A. Pizzinat, 

X. Grall, D. Breuer,

E. Bogenfeld, S. Krauß, 

J. Torrijos Gijon, 

A. Hamidian, 

N. Fonseca, B. Skubic

Fixed and Mobile Convergence: Which Role for Optical Networks? (journal version) Link
Journal of Lightwave technology (JLT)

A. Pizzinat, P. Chanclou, F. Saliou, T. Diallo

Things you should know about fronthaul (journal version) Link
Journal of Lightwave technology (JLT)

S. Pachnicke, J. Zhu, M. Lawin, M. H. Eiselt, S. Mayne, B. Quemeneur, D. Sayles, H. Schwuchow, A. Wonfor, P. Marx, M. Fellhofer, P. Neuber, M. Dietrich, M. J. Wale, R.V. Penty, I. H. White, J.-P. Elbers

Tunable WDM-PON System with Centralized Wavelength Control Link
Computer Networks (Journal, Elsevier)

M. Savi, M. Tornatore, G. Verticale

Performance Evaluation of Video Servers Replication in Metro/Access Networks Link
IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology

F. Musumeci, C. Bellanzon, N. Carapellese, M. Tornatore, A. Pattavina, S. Gosselin

Optimal BBU Placement for 5G C-RAN Deployment Over WDM Aggregation Networks Link
Journal of Lightwave Technology

P. Ohlen, B. Skubic, A. Rostami, M. Fiorani, P. Monti, Z. Ghebretensae, J. Martensson, K. Wang, L. Wosinska

Optimal BBU Placement for 5G C-RAN Deployment Over WDM Aggregation Networks N/A
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (JOCN)

R. Martinez, A. Mayoral, R. Vilalta, R. Casellas, R. Muñoz, S. Pachnicke, T. Zsyrkowiec, A. Autenrieth

Integrated SDN/NFV Orchestration for the Dynamic Deployment of Mobile Virtual Backhaul Networks over a Multi-layer (Packet/Optical) Aggregation Infrastructure [Invited] Link



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